
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bridal Facial Tips and Tricks

Get Beautiful Skin in Time for Your Wedding!

Brides-to-be are busy bees - what with wedding planning, attention to details and so on. The closer the wedding date is, the bride who has sensitive or pimple-prone skin should take care of her skin carefully.

Stress tends to cause pimples to show up more readily. No bride wants to deal with a pimple a few days before her wedding day. That would ruin the day indeed.

If you want great looking, radiant and beautiful skin on your wedding day, then it is important to begin a pre-wedding bridal beauty care daily regime well in advance.

The following article provides a few tips that a bride should include in her facial skin care regime in the weeks leading up to the wedding day.

You can keep your skin clear and acne-free simply by using what you have available at home.

Homemade Tips and Tricks for Acne | Pre Wedding Skin Care

1) Garden herbs such as Echinacea, lemon balm, rosemary, dill, and parsley are great to make into teas and infusions - they purify the skin and strengthen the immune system.

2) Yogurt is a very effective yet gentle acidic facial peel that is safe for acne-prone skin. Apply directly from the pot and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off.

Yogurt Facial Mask

For oily skin, add a couple drops of lemon or lime juice. For dry skin, mix in a couple tablespoons of honey.


* 1 cup natural yogurt (we like it just-out-of-the-fridge cold)
* 1/2 cup oatmeal (any type of basic oatmeal works here)

Mix the ingredients together. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off mask with a washcloth steamed in the microwave (careful that it's not too hot).

3) Vinegar can make a great antiseptic toner for acne, and it can be very mild if blended in equal proportions with water or green tea.

4) Baking soda mixed with Castile soap is a great antibacterial scrub.

5) Garlic makes a great topical treatment for acne. Simply rub a clove of garlic over a pimple or cut the clove in half, apply over the zit, secure with a Band-Aid and leave overnight.

6) Lemon makes a wonderful whitening solution for acne scars and marks.

7) Honey can be applied as a mask and a topical remedy for acne.

Get Great Skin on Your Wedding Day!

For More on Looking Great for Your Wedding
Visit WeddingDietSite.Com



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